Gali Air Starting System
The GALI air starting system are intended for use on diesel engines and gas turbines that operate up to 40 barg air pressure.

For their size and weight, these starters are extremely powerful, and additionally feature high torque, high speed, low air consumption and reduced maintenance.

GALI starters can be operated at a pressure ranging from 3/4 Mpa (30/40 bar) as the maximum and minimum working pressures depend on installation conditions. The rapid response and the high speed of the GALI starters ensure that engines attain their ignition speed virtually instantly, thereby increasing the efficiency of the starting operation.

Since GALI starters require no external lubrication there is also no need for external pump lubricators which means a cleaner and more ecological installation area that is easier to maintain. They are additionally very resistant to humidity, saline atmosphere, and vibration, and they are unaffected by extreme temperatures.

GALI starters are successfully implemented in a widest range of applications including marine engines (propulsion and auxiliary) generator sets, conventional and nuclear power plants, military, locomotives, offshore, mining, etc. Gali starters are homologated by Bureau Veritas, Lloyd’s Register, Germanischer Lloyds & American Bureau of Shipping.